The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.- Martin Luther King Jr.

Dear Parents,
The memory prints are green. A sense of humbling acknowledgement prevails. It’s been our first year of running this institution. Thanks to the untiring efforts of our teaching staff, sports and performing arts family led by Principal Ms. Pooja Bose, the landscape of performance is clearly visible. Under the guardianship of our Vice Chairman Honourable Surjit Singh Grover, all the workers (fruit bearers) put themselves on the line every day for our children. A note of thanks escapes my lips, as I think of all that the teachers gave the students.
We made beginnings. We made impact. We taught our children to push buttons, while we dutifully held the remote controls to their learning.
Our teachers were not only digital leaders, emotion polishers, curriculum completers but were also starters of their research work in finding out what the new lot of learners needed. They complemented their teaching with a mentoring attitude. They ‘strengthened’ the instructions our children were receiving outside of the formal academic construct. The appointment of veteran educationists served to bring value to school. The institution invited guest speakers as founts of knowledge. The students asked questions and confidently engaged with these ‘presenters’ from abroad as well as from our homeland.
As parents you’ll take delight in the fact that we celebrate each child’s individuality. Technology will remain inanimate. The ‘personal touch’ will always be given by our teachers. In the case of our little intelligent beings, we ensure that stars fill their pockets and humanity fills their soul. We develop their creative envelopes. They have so much inside them. We open… We read the content each child carries … We build on his gift… the velvet voice, the artistic finger, the quiz sharp mind, the leg with the athletic sprint etc... We take each were he belong. Beyond assurance we are working on ground level.
Our body of educators is collaborative in the physical and virtual space. We are shaping a school culture that embraces big changes needed for our children to perform well in today’s world. We avoid speeding on the super highway to technology. ‘Character development’ teaching is here to stay. Children study their lessons and decide about goodness of a hero vis-a-vis the shallow personality traits of the ‘bad person’. Their reasoning continues to be influenced by a responsible set of teachers. They manage beautifully, the flexible spaces between on line classrooms and life skill (habit formation) enterprises. The seesaw cannot afford to teeter to one end. The balance is ensured. We’ve taken ‘chunks of the school year’ and made interesting things happen.
Happy to make your children ‘ours’ with an open sense of belonging.
Mr. Harman Singh Grover
Member, Managing Committee, DPS Rudrapur
Dear Parents and Educators,
While it takes a village to educate a child, it takes an entire community to raise a school. Even Goddess Saraswati’s ‘Vaahan,’ the pure snow driven gangly neck swan, doesn’t ever stand on one leg. ’Standalones’ don’t work in today’s times. A school needs both the intense services of a teacher and the ongoing voluntary enterprise by the bonding community(family, neighbourhood, supporting institutions and the network of enablers).You are invited, dear parents to connect with, assist discovery and help journal key points as co travellers.
Life is all about transitioning from ‘simply being’ to ‘becoming.’ We are nurturing our children to become worthy assets of the family and the classroom. It is a risk to have a child stay quiet,be inert and do nothing. By taking to blossom our children actually make the effort, improve their learning graph and perform well as scholars. There is a range of abilities packed up inside a child. Therefore it is sad to have him waste away, wilt and deflower.

Finally life is a process of effective opening up of layers of intelligence to find the real gem inside. If a child is not tapped well, there will be rumblings of dissatisfaction underneath. I enjoin upon you to guide your young one over his homework and activities. Share your stories with him and find ways to connect through a 'personal dialogue.'
We are breaking new ground. We have instituted a rich library that is relevant to all age levels. It has a curated and hand-picked collection to set the tone for reading in our urban scholars.
'Leadership is a skill and a presence.' We encourage our teachers to lead up, down and sideways. We help our co-ordinators in becoming better leaders. We provide chances to our teachers to lead in assemblies and give educative talks. Our resource based in-house and outstation trainings are designed on the ‘lead up’ model. The teaching peers help each other in taking good leadership decisions. This assures growth and evolvement and improved working conditions.
The children benefit. ‘Your style or mine?’ This is the pertinent question when it comes to ‘leading down’ or leading the educators below you. Valuable viewpoints of 'those placed under us' are sought from time to time to improve the teaching methodology.
The teachers meet regularly to discuss lesson plans, strategies and teaching versus performance outcomes. THEY ARE SENSITIVE TO THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OF THEIR STUDENTS. We believe as teachers they are to be in “constant training” and do not simply happen as the result of their B.Ed. degree.
We inspire an ideal strength of ego (positive) in them to be best student guides. They are comedians, confidantes, mentors, counsellors and ‘formal friends on fellowship basis’ in classrooms to their students.
We are working at a ‘Kid Resource’ model in our classrooms. Our children know far more than we give them credit for.
In certain activity periods the learning is flipped, blinded and reciprocal. We have leveraged this concept with the help of trainers from abroad. The students become ‘teachers’ in small group reading sessions. Others become lesson summarizers, questioners, clarifiers and predictors. Our children do not become bored as there’s always something new to try. Meanwhile the teachers take objective notes on skill development of students.
The traditional role of teachers would always remain. They offer questions, puzzles, quotes and mind benders to students along with a dash of ethical musings.
They honour mistakes and recognize all the small steps our youngsters take in learning their lessons.
You and I are here to assist our teachers and students with warm encouragement.
Ms Mandeep Kaur
Member, Managing Committee, DPS Rudrapur