Special Assembly on Honesty by Grade 2 Lilies at Delhi Public School, Rudrapur
"If we are honest in little things, we will be honest in large ones."
A Special Assembly on Honesty was conducted in a well-organized manner by Grade 2 Lilies at the Junior Courtyard of Delhi Public School, Rudrapur. The students truly shined with their "Power of Honesty" assembly, delivering a meaningful message to all present.
The assembly began with the positivity of the morning prayer, followed by the thought of the day, word of the day, news headlines, a poem, a skit, a dance performance, and concluded with the National Anthem. Each segment emphasized how truthfulness helps in building trust, respect, and strong relationships.
The students' efforts to spread the message of honesty were inspiring, and the Principal addressed the assembly with words of wisdom, motivating the students to always uphold the value of honesty.
Overall, it was a significant and meaningful assembly, leaving a lasting impact on the attendees.