Day- Monday
Date- 25th April ‘22
Topic- Good touch bad touch
Venue- Pre Primary wing
Nurturing Safety Awareness
“Wisdom is giving children their wings, along with the rudder of awareness to keep them safe from the prying hands.”
A day was specially dedicated to safeguard and protect our teeny-weeny toddlers and give them the warmth of well-being through a deliberately planned programme on “Good touch and Bad touch”. The children learnt to identify the “No touch” areas and understood who are safe adults and whom to report when there is an alarming situation.
They also learnt to handle strangers and say ‘NO’ to unwanted touches by running away and shouting out loud. They were taught to inform about such happenings to the adults they trust and immediately report if they were told to hide the same from their parents.
This practical presentation helped our little ones to recognize, safeguard and protect themselves against such dangers from an early age. The moto of the session was to enlighten the children that their body belongs to them and they need to stay safe and secure.